About Redeemed Music & Books

We're Springfield, Missouri's PREMIER re-seller of Christian & "Family-Friendly" books, Bibles, Music, Movies, Homeschool supplies, and other resources.

Time-saving opportunity!!

We’ve had a busy couple of days here at Redeemed!!  Between a special sale for our facebook fans, and an extremely high volume of books coming in for trade/sale requests, life for all of the associates at Redeemed has been “hectic” to say the least.  In fact, we’re still digging out from underneath a pile of trade requests today.

That got me to thinking about time, or maybe better-put, the lack thereof that we often find ourselves dealing with.  In the last 100 years, tens of thousands of new pieces of technology have hit the market, each one promising to save us time.  But what have we done with that time?  I ask that question because time saved isn’t necessarily valuable if it’s not wisely re-invested.  There are 1,440 minutes in a day….how we use them is up to us…..and those of us that are Christians know that one day we will be accountable for all that God has entrusted us with – including the time we were given.

Why not make some time to invest in things to build YOU?  Time in prayer and Bible study is, of course, first and foremost….but how about extra time with your family?  Maybe make some time for the friends that you’ve been meaning to see.  Volunteer for an organization or cause you care about.  And of course, find some time to read….it’s the best personal development thing you can do – remember what they say, “leaders are readers.”

PS – By the way, I mentioned that facebook sale….you can still get in on that if you’d like.  Just go to our facebook page, “like” us (if you don’t already), and then print off the coupon (currently, it’s our profile picture), and bring it in between now and the end of June, to receive 40% off of your entire purchase!